Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Devil Went Down to Ripon...and I lost

I’m feeling good! The workouts are becoming familiar this second time through, both in my mind and in my body. This P90X thing is all about muscle confusion, so in 2 weeks, after our bodies have grown completely accustomed to the workout, they will change to throw the muscles back into a land of confusion (Is that a Phil Collins song??).

Anyway, the biggest threat to the P90X challenge is the weekend. I think it might be best to become a recluse on the weekends- go nowhere, see no one! Here’s just one example from last weekend:

My grandparents are great people. I love them very dearly. However, this past Sunday, my sweet 89-year-old grandmother took on the form of the devil! Once a month, our family gets together at their little apartment for “Coffee”. Dutch Reformed people know all about Sunday Coffee at grandma's after church. As a kid, going out to play at grandpa and grandma’s with all my cousins while the adults sat around talking and drinking coffee was probably one of my favorite times of the week...a memory I'll cherish forever. We used to do it quite often, but the schedule for the last 15+ years or so has been that we have “Coffee” on the second Sunday of the month. My grandma is a baker extraordinaire and her cakes and pies always satisfy. So, this past Sunday was Coffee Sunday, and what does Grandma haul out?? Homemade chocolate cake!! *PISSED FISTS!!* Now, before you ask, “Where’s your willpower Chad?” My willpower is very strong! I threw out half a container of Moose Tracks ice cream from my freezer. I threw out the JellyBellys from the candy dish. I even threw out one of the staples to my diet for the past 20 years: tortilla chips and salsa!! This is different. This is Grandma DenOuden! Ask my brother, my grandparents are NOT easy people to say no to and ESPECIALLY not when they’re waving a delicious Duncan Hines chocolate cake in front of your face and you’re starving because the only thing you’ve eaten in the last 4 hours was stale communion bread and gross grape juice!! Add to this the blasted bowl of Cheetos sitting on the coffee table in front of you and you’ve got a recipe for disaster on your hands…or I guess 'on my orange-stained fingers and in my mouth' is more accurate!

Since today marks the beginning of Lent, I find it appropriate to sacrifice even more for P90X than I already have. Yes, Sundays will most likely include some sort of healthy “cheat” meal (after all, the 40 days of Lent do not include the Sundays in between Ash Wednesday and Easter *HAPPY FISTS!*), but meals on Friday nights and Saturdays from here on out will adhere strictly to the rules, that is, whenever possible…barring coffee at the devil’s, I mean, Grandma’s. Then, all bets are off!



  1. Not acceptable! You must do an extra hour of Plyo for your bad behavior this weekend, mister! *Shame*Shame*

  2. Right, because Chipotle on a Sunday afternoon IS acceptable? How bout an extra hour of Plyo for you??
    PS: let us know how yoga goes for you today

  3. Tisk*Tisk* Tisk...I dare say Chocolate cake and Cheetos are not in the same category as Chipotle. Chipotle contains all natural, healthy ingredients. Where as Chocolate cake and Cheetos are nothing more than empty calories. The ingredients in my Chipotle burrito bowl are all acceptable with the P90X nutrition plan. (Ok, with the exception of the 5 chips I ate off Gabriel's plate). You can eat it too, you just can't order the chips...those are a NO NO. Deliciously yummy but none the less a NO NO.

    Lucky for you, Chad, you are a guy and you have a fast metabolism so you can get away with eating crap every now and then. I'm a girl and I have to be MUCH more careful what I put in my mouth otherwise I'll grow to be Bubbles the Whale. *Eeks!*

    As far as the yoga goes. I'll answer your question right now. If I have my way, It's NOT going tonight. I'm substituting for Cardio X. Can't take another minute of that blasted Yoga. I also have a cold and want nothing more than to curl up on my bed and sleep for the next 12 hours so working out is much more un-fun for me this week.


  4. Oh No Chad I hope you don't call me the devil after life group tonight. We better discuss menu this afternoon. Does this mean you are no longer the "beer guy?" I promise I won't make you eat anything your don't want to, that being said I shouldn't bring out my "chocolate cake" tonight right? Does this mean we have to pass up the starbucks after dinner too? I hate lifestyle changes (aka diets!)
