Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Recovery Week...

It's been a while since either of us have blogged, but don't let that fool you; we are still very much on track with the program. There are many of our friends out there (more than I can count) who started p90x weeks and months ago who kept the communication level on it pretty high and have since fallen off the radar. We have learned that the less they are talking about it means the less they're actually doing it! Not the case here. Team P90weX is moving full speed ahead and not looking back!

We are now in Week 4: Recovery Week. This is a chance to give our aching muscles (or in my case, neck and back) a chance to recuperate before we begin Phase 2. Yesterday was another 90-minute Yoga session...no new surprises. Today, however, was the first time we tried Core Synergystics. Core WHAT??? Basically it means all your muscles everywhere are doing something at once. If you're not focused, you will reduce these exercises to simply log-rolling back and forth across your yoga mat, and the result is nothing gets worked out at all. I think this was the most fun workout yet! There was some light weights, some cardio (I think I sweat more today than I have yet...could it be that the freezing cold garage is beginning to thaw by 6am now??), some plyo, yoga, pushups, Ab Ripper...basically all of p90x compiled into one 57-minute workout. It was glorious! Even Tony DB (though still a DB) had some good things to say. Tomorrow is "Stretch X", which at this point I can only assume that Tony DB attempts to put us in crazy pretzel-like positions and hold them for 60 seconds at a time while reminding us to not stop breathing. Yeah right!

Some of you might be wondering how my diet is coming along. The answer is "Very well, thanks for noticing." That is not to say that there haven't been moments here and there of a slip, but even in going out to restaurants (excluding lunch on the day of the Almond Blossom Festival), I've found healthy options and made modifications to accommodate this high protein, low carb thing I'm doing during Phase 1. The biggest change in my eating habits, especially where portion sizes are so big, is that I cannot finish my plate. This is a big deal for kids who grew up in houses where "Clean your plate!!" didn't mean rinse it off before you put it in the dishwasher. I grew up in a such a home, and especially in the years since college, one could place a huge plate of food in front of me and I'd wolf the whole thing down in 5-7 minutes flat! Those of you who know me well also understand that my pallet for beer runs deep. In the last month I've had 3-4 beers...total! Yes, they were all within this last week, but beer is technically off the list for this program, and it will stay there.

However, my partner and I are currently plotting a celebratory cheat night for when we finish Day 45. Only a couple more weeks to go!


  1. So does this mean no double stuffed Oreo's at the retreat next weekend?

  2. That's correct! I will not partake in the Oreo-fest. Though I might snag a box and stick them in my freezer for after P90X is done!

  3. Wow...I wish I could be there to witness your struggle to abstain. If you make it through the weekend without so much as eating even ONE Oreo you will be my new hero. Good luck my friend!

  4. Oh ye of little faith, cookies and other sweets are not my Achilles' Heel. It's things like tortilla chips and crackers that are the most tempting. Luckily for me, your sister will keep a firm grip on the box of Cheez-its the entire weekend, so I don't have much to worry about there!

  5. haha! I'm going to tell her that! According to her she's bringing Lean Cuisines, protein bars and fruit so she won't be tempted by the junk. Good luck to both of you!
